• This is about Lindsey. She is 25 (years old). She is a student in Sociology. She lives in Bristol, Connecticut and she joined a programme called “togetherness”: she walked from Connecticut to Nebraska. She left in February and arrived on August 15th, in Lincoln. She walked 1500 miles, crossing 6 states (Ohio, Illinois, New York, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Indiana)

    She had to write her experience in a report in a magazine:

    She met complete strangers and different cultures. She says it’s an unforgettable experience and she is proud of this. She needed a lot of energy because she was scared more than once and it was exhausting. She also slept in the open. She travelled a lot and met more people in 6 months than in her entire life. She even met a South African family in a remote village in Indiana. So for her, it was a life-changing experience. 

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  • She met complete strangers and different cultures. She says it’s an unforgettable experience and she is proud of this. She needed a lot of energy because she was scared more than once and it was exhausting. She also slept in the open. She travelled a lot and met more people in 6 months than in her entire life. She even met a South African family in a remote village in Indiana. So for her, it was a life-changing experience. 

    1 commentaire
  • Monday, December 1st 2014.


    “My greatest challenge”


    This is about Lindsey. She is 25 (years old). She is a student in Sociology. She lives in Bristol, Connecticut and she joined a programme called “togetherness”: she walked from Connecticut to Nebraska. She left in February and arrived on August 15th, in Lincoln. She walked 1500 miles, crossing 6 states (Ohio, Illinois, New York, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Indiana)

    She had to write her experience in a report in a magazine:



    Some more notes to help you finish the summary:

    Travel a lot - meet different cultures - meet many people - South African family  - remote village in Indiana - life-changing experience - more people in 6 months than in her entire life - scared more than once - exhausting - energy - slept in the open - proud - unforgettable experience.


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  • 1841: Oregon Trail - People begin to travel west in wagon trains on the Oregon Trail. Around 300,000 people would take the trail over the next 20 years.
    1845: Manifest Destiny - Journalist John O'Sullivan first uses the term "Manifest Destiny" to describe the westward expansion of the United States.
    1845: Texas becomes a U.S. State - The United States officially claims Texas as a state, eventually leading to the Mexican-American War.
    1846-1848: The Mexican-American War - A war fought over the rights to Texas. After the war, the United States paid Mexico $15 million for land that would later become California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and parts of several other states.
    1846: Oregon Treaty - England signs the Oregon Treaty handing over the Oregon Territory to the United States.
    1848: Gold Rush begins - James Marshall discovers gold at Sutter's Mill. Soon word is out and people rush to California to strike it rich.
    1849: Around 90,000 "Forty-niners" move to California to find gold.

    1860: The Pony Express begins to deliver mail.
    1861: The First Transcontinental Telegraph line is finished. The Pony Express shuts down.
    1862: Pacific Railroad Act - The U. S government agrees to help fund a railroad from California to Missouri.
    1862: Homestead Act - The U.S. government offers up free land to farmers who agree to live on the land for five years and make improvements to the land. Many people rush to places like Oklahoma to claim their land.
    1869: The Transcontinental Railroad is completed - The Union Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroads meet at Promontory, Utah and the railroad is completed.
    1872: Yellowstone National Park is dedicated as the nation's first national park by President Ulysses S. Grant.
    1874: Black Hills Gold - Gold is discovered in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
    1874: Barbed wire invented - Ranchers can now use barbed wire fences to keep their cattle from ranging free.
    1890: The U.S. Government announces that the Western lands have been explored.

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  • Westward Expansion – Timeline


    1767: Daniel Boone explores Kentucky for the first time.

    Click here to know more about Daniel Boone

    1803: Louisiana Purchase - President Thomas Jefferson buys the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million. This doubles the size of the United States and provides a large area to the west of the country for expansion.

    Click here to watch a video about the Louisiana Purchase

    1805: Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific Ocean - Explorers Lewis and Clark map out areas of the Louisiana Purchase and eventually reach the Pacific Ocean.

    Check here to learn more about their expedition!

    1830: Indian Removal Act - Congress passes a law to move Native Americans from the Southeast to the west of the Mississippi River.

    Here is more about the Indian Removal Act

    1836: Battle of the Alamo - Mexican troops attack the Alamo Mission killing all but two Texans. This spurs the Texans on in the Texas Revolution.

    Click here to re-live the battle of the Alamo...

    1838: Trail of Tears - The Cherokee Nation is forced to march from the east coast to Oklahoma. Many thousands die along the way.
    Here is a video about the Trail of tears...

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