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  • Thursday, September 19th 2013.


    Occupy Wall Street

    The Occupy Wall Street movement began on September 17th 2011 and lasted till October. It’s about the crisis: Poor people demonstrated to say they needed a job, a home, they needed to be better paid… They wanted to show they are more numerous than rich people. Indeed, their slogan was: “We are the 99%” referring to the percentage of poor people in the USA, as opposed to the 1% of rich people.

    It all started in Wall Street as it is the symbol of financial power (the statue of a bull). They aim to denounce capitalism (people only care about money / Money drives society)


    Key words:

    Financial power – crisis – Wall Street – Capitalism – demonstration.


    It was triggered after the Arab Spring (in Egypt and Israel) and the financial crisis in Spain.

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    Thursday, September 12th 2013.

                                                                                          Bob Marley

    Bob Marley was born in 1945 in Jamaica. He died of a cancer in 1981. He grew up in the ghetto of Kingston, which explains why he sang about it / about segregation. His message is mainly to denounce … inequality in the world.

    He wants to convince Black people to fight for their rights…

    He was a guitarist and the lead singer of a reggae band which was The Wailers. They separated / parted / split up in 1974.

    Among his famous songs, there are “Get up, Stand up”, “No Woman, no cry”, “Jammin’”, “Could you be loved”, etc…

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  •  Monday, September 9th 2013.


       Emblematic singers of the 60s and 70s


    Bob Dylan whose real name is Robert Zimmerman, was born on May 20th 1941. He was born in Minnesota so he is American.He is a popular folk singer and a song writer of the 1960s. Two of his famous songs are “Masters of War” and “Blowin’ in the Wind” in which he denounces the government leaders, especially the American President Eisenhower. He denounces the war but more precisely the intervention of American soldiers. Indeed, it’s an anti war song. He has been popular for five decades…


    John Lennon was born in Liverpool in 1940 so he was British / English. He was assassinated / murdered in 1980 in New York, in front of the Dakota building. He was one of the four members of the Beatles and then he started his career, and became a singer and song-writer. His wife, Yoko Ono, influenced him a lot. Among his famous songs are “Imagine” or “Give peace a chance”… As far as the Vietnam war was concerned he was against it / he disagreed peacefully.


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