• JOURNALIST: Sirisha lives and works in Hyderabad, a city in southern India that is in the vanguard of the country’s embrace of high-tech industries. So much so that one area of Hyderabad is even called “High Tech City”; the locals have dubbed it “Cyberabad”.  Sirisha’s office block houses several major industry players, including Google’s local operation. And it houses her own company, a legal firm called QuisLex, that she started when she returned to India five years ago after more than a decade working as an attorney in Manhattan. (to Sirisha): And the difference between the India that you left and the India that you came back to?

    SIRISHA: Is yawning. It’s a huge difference.

    JOURNALIST: A huge difference that is transforming the face of Hyderabad, and some other Indian cities, and reshaping the Indian economy. The growth of the high-tech sector has been the principal pillar helping India to achieve record GDP growth of more than 8 percent every year since 2004. It is easy to look on India as a country on the march. In Gurgaon, just outside the capital, New Delhi, the foundations have been dug for a series of new shopping malls and Western hotels, enormous holes in the ground that will soon be filled by buildings bearing familiar global logos.

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  • High tech cities in India

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