• Correction de l'activité sur le speech de Michelle OBAMA:

    What’s the English for…?

    Faire confiance à = trust            

    Croire = believe                 

    Vraiment = truly               

    Mener / guider = lead                 

    Toute sa vie = lifelong     

    Fille = daughter

    Avoir besoin de = need              

    Eviter = avoid                    

    Se demander = wonder

    Se payer = afford                         

    Handicaps = disabilities  

    Avocat = lawyer

    La santé = health                          

    Les soins = care                

    En colère = angry

    Désenchantée = disillusioned   

    Faire ses bagages = pack up

    Un fonctionnaire = a public servant


    Déceptions = disappointments

    Fièrement = proudly

    Céder sous la pression = buckle under pressure

    Prendre le chemin le plus facile = take the easy way out

    Renoncer = quit

    La force = strength

    Les problèmes = issues

    Réduit à = boiled down

    Au bout des doigts = at fingertips

    L’armée = the military

    Prendre des décisions hâtives = make snap decisions

    Etre susceptible = have a thin skin

    Riposte = lash out

    Stable = steady

    Mesuré = measured

    Bien informé = well-informed


    Who is speaking?

    Michelle Obama is speaking / delivering a speech.

    Who is she speaking about?

    She is speaking about Hillary Clinton.

    List all the references to Hillary Clinton:

    “Only one person” (lines 1-2)                          “our friend Hillary Clinton” (line 3)

    “her lifelong devotion” (line 4)                         “as a young lawyer” (line 12)

    “as first lady” (line 13)                                        a true public servant” (line 16)

    as secretary of state” (line 18)

    someone with the proven strength […], someone who knows this job and takes it seriously, someone who understands […]” (lines 28-29)

    What adjectives does she use to describe Hillary Clinton?

    truly qualified” (line 2) 

    relentless, thankless work to actually make a difference” (lines 10-11)

    “true” (line 16)                                          “proven strength” (line 28)

    “steady and measured and well-informed” (line 33)

    What verbs are associated to Hillary Clinton?

    “trust” (line 1)                    “lead” (line 4)                     spent” (line 10)

    “make a difference” (line 11)                           advocating […] fighting” (line 12)

    stepped up to serve” (line 18)                                   knows […] understands” (lines 28-29)

    List the adverbs Michelle Obama uses to describe Hillary Clinton:

    “truly” (line 2) / “proudly” (line 18) / “never” x3 (lines 23-24) / “seriously” (line 29)

    Explain what she refers to lines 5 to 9.

    She refers to children who have no luck in life, who have no model in life, children who are left aside and need to fight to survive. She speaks mostly about children from immigrants or those who live in poor neighborhoods.

    Sum up what she is saying about Hillary Clinton? Why? (use 100 words)

    Michelle Obama is presenting her favourite candidate for the presidential election. Hillary Clinton is her friend and she admires her so she wants her to be president. She draws a portrait of Hillary Clinton as the perfect person to become the next president of the United States because she has experience, she knows a lot of things and she understands people and the problems of the world. She also mentions Hillary Clinton’s personal life as a mother. As she has been a good mother, she could be a great president. Michelle Obama lists all the qualities a president should have, and the faults he / she shouldn’t have.

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  • BONUS : PREPARE THE LAST THREE BIOGRAPHIES => to ba handed back on Wednesday, October 17th 2018


    Télécharger « exo BIO rebrassage grammaire preterite.docx »


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  • Asking questions about presidents in the past


    Pour poser des questions au passé (preterit), il me faut des mots interrogateurs (WH-) et une structure particulière:

    (WH-) + DID + sujet + verbe à l’infinitif + (compléments) ?

    Liste des mots en WH-

    WHAT => « quoi ? », « Qu’est-ce que ? »

    WHO => « qui ? »

    WHERE => « où ? »

    WHY => « pourquoi ? »

    WHEN => « quand ? »

    WHICH => « lequel ? laquelle? Lesquelles? »

    WHOSE => « à qui ? »

    HOW => « comment ? »


    Exception : le verbe TO BE n’a pas besoin de l’auxiliaire DID, il fonctionne tout seul.

    Eg : Where did he live ? = où habitait-il?

    Who was he? = qui était-il?

    I was / you were / he-she-it was / we were / they were.



    Quand Obama est-il devenu Président? => When did Obama become President ?    

    Qui était son Vice-Président ? => Who was his Vice-President ?  

    Comment était-il vu par les Américains ? => How was he seen by the Americans ?

    Comment les Americains le voyaient-ils? = How did the Americans see him ? 

    Quel était le nom de sa femme ? => What was his wife’s name ? 

    Avait-il des enfants ? => Did he have (any) children ?  

    Quand a-t-il quitté la Maison Blanche ? => When did he leave the White House ?  

    Pourquoi était-il un grand président ? => Why was he a great President ? 

    D’où venait-il ? => Where did he come from ? 

    Où a-t-il grandi ? => Where did he grow up ? 

    Qui étaient ses parents ? => Who were his parents ?


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