
    The article deals with the integration of people of African and Caribbean heritage in Britain since the Second World War… To begin with, their ties with their country of origin were still strong… There followed a period when they felt more black than British but nowadays they feel no distinction between their ethnicity and their nationality… However, in the meantime, many British people feel closer to their region or to Europe, so ties between the countries of the union are weakening… In fact, the strongest defenders of the union in the future may turn out to be black Britons who have no long-standing regional roots…


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  • Students' protest - part 1:

    Students' protest - part 2:

    Students' protest - part 3:

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  • 3- generation = by-product of what went on before… Mrs Thatcher’s aim = put an end to economic decline by less government intervention…

    at that time : Britain moved away from being a production-oriented economy based on manufacturing - become an economy based on consumerism…

    Individualism = encouraged / with a weakening of the welfare state…

    Poppy’s generation =  to adapt to the situation left by the previous generation… live in a consumer society / a materialistic world inherited from the previous generation… people no longer rely on the state + values changed (“collective responsibility” disappeared along with

    “Christianity”): people learn to fend for themselves + become +&+ individualistic…


    4- reproach previous generation with + ing / vote repeatedly for Mrs. Thatcher and politicians who followed… criticize older generation : turning her generation into

    consumerist zombies / no values…

    lay the blame on Clive’s generation for the present day situation as if they were the ones who got rid of Christianity /  collective responsibility / leave manufacturing to Asia… as if such work were just for losers…

    refuse - accept criticisms from a generation - brought up her generation to be nothing but consumerist zombies…


    5- // many young people today: Poppy - learn how to get by in a world - fewer decent jobs available,

    even for people with university diplomas…

    can’t afford to have a guilty conscience // job she does…

    // succeed in studies: job prospects = poor…

    // others of her generation:  = influenced by materialistic consumer society : want the latest gadget “widescreen and HD, of course” (l. 39)…

    Her + many young people today:  what matters most = having time to do the things she really likes “reading, and watching

    films, and going to galleries” (l. 15)… Her generation = accused of “lacking in any political sense” (l. 29)…

    In fact, like many people: lacks confidence in politicians in general // blame successive governments for the economy based on consumerism that her generation inherited…


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