• Some useful vocabulary to describe and analyse the following Diesel campaign:

    AD1 - It looks like… / At the foot of the Eiffel Tower… / Abs / A bench / Surrounded by / A path / To show / to show off / to parade with… / A lizard / an iguana / a chameleon / to point / to walk / instead of

    AD2: hugging / Antarctica / Penguins / bathing suit / swim suit / underwear / rocks / it will sell well / surprising

    AD3: sand / the Great Wall of China / stretch / ruins / to lean against / high-heel shoes / stilletoes / covered in / sat / take off

    AD 4: The Thames / motor boat / Royal seal / seat / dominating / there only remain… / under water

    AD 5: NY – skyscrapers – roof – flooded – thirsty – lying – lascivious position – give water to – degrading – a deep-plunging V-neck dress – light clothes / summer clothes – whereas – to highlight – resting on the woman –

    AD 6: Venice (San Marco square) – parrots – pigeons – replace – an alley / a way / a path – chic / glamourous – dark-haired lady / fair-haired = blond lady  - migrate – dressed in – damp – outfit

    AD 7: Mount Rushmore (In South Dakota, USA) – sun-cream – to rub – back – resting and hugging a palm tree – lascivious position


    AD 8: Brazil (Rio di Janeiro) – the statue of the Christ – usually on a mount – the Atlantic Ocean – on a boat in the bay of Rio – to get sun-tanned – sun-tanned – to spit – swim suit – bikini – dressed in white – by the sea – the railing of the boat -






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  • Monday, March 13th 2017.

    Reduce, Re-use, Replay

    This is a press article, taken from the magazine Time for Kids. It was published on April 20th 2012. It deals with a band / group of teens / teenagers who play music with instruments made out of garbage. Indeed, the band is called The Garbage Men: there are five of them, all are 15 or 16 (years old) and they had this idea of recycling garbage to turn it into musical instrument. They live in Florida, in the USA and they perform in local events or in the streets. With the money they raise, they help charities.

    When you listen to them, you can notice that they with the five of them, they managed to represent different instruments to make an orchestra: two guitars, a violin, drums and a keyboard. The quality of the music is average because they produce sounds which are too high. Of course, with garbage, it’s not easy but at least they are trying, even if the tunes are repetitive.



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  • Monday, March 6th 2017.


    Maria, an eco-friendly person?


    This document is an interview of Maria. She talks about eco-friendly gestures that we can do and that she does to protect the environment. She wonders whether she is really eco-friendly… but at least she is trying to. For example, she sorts the trash, putting paper in one bin, plastic in another bin and she also uses recycled material: recycled paper, paper bags, recycled bags, and recycled bottles. Maria also takes public transport(ation), avoids using her car and if she can she does carpooling if people have the same destination. If she had money, she would buy a new car, a hybrid car because it saves gasoline and it uses electricity. Finally, she turns off the lights, the water, the heating and she uses / resorts to rechargeable batteries…

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  • Friday, March 3rd 2017





    This document is an audio report about climate change. The journalist explains that it’s one of the most worrying things for the planet because it’s changing the earth forever. Indeed, politicians and scientists say it’s the biggest danger we face because the weather is changing: it gets warmer or colder and there are more and stronger hurricanes. As a consequence, it kills animals (like frogs, fish or insects), and Arctic and Antarctica are melting. Our duty is to do simple things like turning off lights or recycling paper…





    Global warming is the biggest problem in the world today because everyone knows about it, but not everyone acts to stop it… Countries that pollute most (like China, Russia or India) will do nothing until the USA, in its turn, does something, so this is a status quo / the situation is stuck. They blame each other. The Presidents and Prime Ministers from these countries say that technology is the answer, as scientists are trying to find solutions to save the planet. The journalist, for his part, doesn’t believe it because for him it’s a gamble. Therefore, he continues to switch off lights and recycle…



    Everyday smart gestures:

    -       Recycle rain water.

    -       Take the bus instead of the car.

    -       Sort out trash: paper in one bin, plastic in another bin, glass in a separate bin

    -       Make compost in the garden / in a different bin.

    -       Use eco-friendly bulbs.

    -       Turn off lights when it’s day-time.

    -       Lower the heating.

    -       Buy local food.

    -       Buy products at the unit.

    -       Use a bike / skate board to go to school

    -       Try to use less water: take a shower instead of a bath.

    -       Drive a hybrid car

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  • Monday, February 27th 2017

    A campaign analysis

    These six documents are all photo-montages  representing polar bears and what their future might be. They are all posters meant as environmental campaigns to make us aware of the consequences of global warming on endangered species.

    They all portray polar bears in different situations. For example, in the first one, we can see a bear locked behind a window pane or the screen of a TV or a computer in steam because of the heat…

    The second poster depicts three polar bears on the ice cap and they have graffiti on them. This raises the question of respect to polar bears.

    The third one portrays a polar bear walking on the ice cap. The shape of the polar bear is written in words. Inside the words, we can read the word “DEAD” which probably means that polar bears are going to die: their fate is to go extinct…

    The fourth poster shows a polar bear without its fur. The fur is on its shoulders, like a jacket or a cape. It is walking on its hinder paws, like a human being. It has taken off its skin / fur because it’s too hot.

    On the fifth poster, the bear is depicted as a homeless person: in the street, lying under cardboards / covered in cardboards. Indeed, its natural habitat has been destroyed by global warming.

    On the last poster, we can see the painting of a polar bear on a window pane. The paint is melting because of rising temperatures.

    As a conclusion, we can say that… / to put it in a nutshell… / to sum up… / to conclude… we can say that this campaign is both shocking and efficient because it shows polar bears in distressful situations and it helps us understand the impact we can produce on them…

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