• Is privacy dead?

    Listen again...

    This document is an interview between a journalist and Steven Metcalf. They are exchanging about privacy on the internet. Steven Metcalf is an online privacy expert. He made an experience: he found 15 pages about the journalist: his home address, his credit card number, his social security number, his phone number, the food & DVS (movies) he likes/buys… The reaction of the journalist to this is shock: he expresses how scary this is…

    He gives us his point of view on the question: for him, privacy is dead because all your life can be exposed on the Internet. It is a window on your soul. Everybody can know what you think, who is your family, and your friends are… You cannot delete your personal data (photos, videos…) and everybody can view it. So there is no turning back, there is no second chance.

    He explains that Google is secure…

    His advice is to be more careful and to use your own judgement and common sense.

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