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    Listen to the following report and take notes for next Monday...

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  • Friday, November 18th 2016

    Let it be

    This document is a radio report from March 29th 1970. It was broadcast on Liverpool News and the journalist is Steven Robson. He wonders whether / if The Beatles will separate and if “let it be” is their last song or their latest one… The group was fed up of each other’s company and no longer happy to make music together because there were musical and business tensions. But the rumour that they would split up might not be true… Even if John Lennon criticized the song very much, it was rehearsed several times and it was released… In 1969, Paul McCartney wrote the song which was inspired by his mother Mary, who died when he was 14. In his dream, she told him everything will be all right, to forget his problems and to let it be… so he wrote and composed the song… The journalist ends his report hoping it won’t be the last…

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