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  • WikiLeaks should be banned…

    WikiLeaks should be authorized…

    -     What is classified and censored should remain secret… = We don’t need to know everything = Against privacy

    -     Political attacks on (US) communication / government

    -     To prevent government secrecy

    -     No need for controversy

    -     People who don’t have access to the Internet can be excluded

    -     Publications are not always reliable

    -     Freedom has limits…

    -     It doesn’t cost money, it’s « not for profit organization »

    -     As important as a journalist tool

    -     Contribution to free speech

    -     Contribution to human rights

    -     Improves democracy

    -     People are better informed

    -     It denounces abuses

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  • votre commentaire
  • Wednesday, March 18th 2015.




    -       Controversy ? Google has a preference for its own websites… it causes a huge problem for other websites which are disadvantaged… the US congress is asking Google to explain / justify themselves and to be more equal…

    -       Eric Schmidt = President of Google (“chairman) = will testify… to know more about Google’s business practices.

    -       Is Google too powerful?????

    -       Their technology is at the service of some websites… so they exclude other websites…

    -       Consumers? Organized but no progression in their complaints…

    -       Awareness issue =

    -       Lawyer (representing Google on antitrust matters) = Dana Wagner: consider this as a strategy to slow down Google…

    -       Antitrust // healthy competition

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