• This document is a press article / cutting / an extract from a newspaper…. And it is also an interview…

    It comes from BBC News / It was taken from BBC News…

    It was written by Judith Burns , a British reporter / journalist…

    It was published in March 2013 / on March 7th 2013 and it is about the difference / gap in wage / pay / salary between men and women / about inequalities between men and women even if they are from the same university, and more precisely about graduates.


    From the title, we can clearly see that she focuses her attention on women and how much they are paid… and she compares them to men…

    The journalist introduces the topic with a sentence that explains reality: “The pay gap persists even between men and women […] from the same university”.

    The article can be divided into two parts: The first part is about the study (from line 1 to line 9) and the second part offers testimonies (people giving their point of view), from line 10 to the end.

    In the first part, the journalist gives figures to explain the results of the study: she quotes a date: 2006 which corresponds to the beginning of the study. 17 000 corresponds to the number of students tested in the study.

    £15 000 and £24 000 are the lowest and the highest wages…


    In the second part, people are giving their opinions… Ms Artess explains that…


    As a conclusion, we could say that equal pay in non profit services could become a model for the rest of society.

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