
    Friday, October 16th 2020




    The impossible burger




    Let’s make a list of all the important words related to the article!


    Vegan / vegetarian / Burger King / announced on April 1st 2019 / veggie burger / Whopper / plant-based patty / imitate look and texture / impossible food / plant / protein / CNN / Saint Louis = center of experience / encourage customers.


    Let’s use these words to sum up the article!


    This document is an article about an impossible burger. It was published by CNN on April 2nd 2019, because on April 1st 2019 Burger King created / put / launched on the market a vegetarian burger called “The impossible burger” or “Vegetarian whopper”. It bears such a name because it doesn’t have a true patty  but a plant-based patty which imitates the look and the taste and the texture of a true meat patty. The launching takes place in Saint Louis and around the city, and it aims at encouraging customers to eat vegetarian burgers.




    Our notes after listening:


    Donald Trump / At the White House


    We have no food here so … Have a choice … Little quick salads OR order 1000 (one thousand) hamburgers


    Everything I like and you like => Burger King / Wendy’s / McDonald’s = American companies


    The First Lady along with the Second Lady / make some salads


    Big Mac


    Do you have … food for you?


    I just want to see what is left


    How much?


    Go out




    I wanted to say so…




    This document is an audio document in which we can hear President Donald Trump who is speaking about one thousand burgers that he ordered because the Congress closed / shut down and there was no food in the White House to welcome the American football team so he had a choice: the First and Second Lady could have made salads or he could order burgers. He took the second option and he opted for McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s because he likes them and above all because these are American companies.  




    Trump orders burgers amid shutdown




    So I had a choice: Do we have no food for you because we have a shutdown or do we give you some little quick salads that the First Lady will make along with the Second Lady? They will make some salads. And I said you guys aren’t into salads. Or do I go out, Lindsay Graham and Tim Scott, do I go out and send out for about one thousand hamburgers? Big Macs! So, we actually bought a thousand. Burger King, all American companies. Burger King, Wendy’s and McDonald’s. We have Big Macs, we have quarter pounder with cheese, we have everything that I like, that you like. And I know no  matter what  we did, there’s nothing you could have that’s better than that, right? And so we ordered it. We literally have, and I don’t know, have they started eating and devouring? Have they? I wanted to see so it was pilled up on mile high, I just wanted to see what was left. I saw it at the beginning. How much is left back there? How much? They don’t know how much. (Loud chatting).


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    Friday, September 25th 2020.


    A history of the burger


    This document is a video which speaks about the history of burgers in the world. We learn that the patty might have been created by the Mongols who put the meat between the horse and the saddle to make it tender, and then eat it. But there are multiple theories about the origins of burgers : it could have been created in Europe and more precisely in Hamburg, in Germany.


    When European immigrants took ships to America, they took / brought the recipe with them and prepared burgers on the ships. When they arrived in America, the American chefs improved the recipe with pepper and onion. In 1904, burgers became popular thanks to the St Louis World’s Fair. And today, everybody eats burgers all the time !




    Attention aux temps utilisés :


    J’utilise le prétérit lorsque je parle d’événements passés, révolus.


    J’utilise le présent simple lorsque je parle d’événements présents et vrais tout le temps


    Autre construction utilisée :


    -       The patty might have been created


    -       It could have been created


    => Voix passive avec un auxiliaire de modalité => « aurait pu être créé / pourrait avoir été créé »


    => Sujet + auxiliaire de modalité + HAVE + BEEN + participe passé.


    => Exprime la possibilité dans le passé.




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