• 1.                       What is this article about?

    It’s about fake news.

    2.                       List all the words and expressions from the text related to that topic.

    fake news / disinformation / make up a controversial incident / Changing / written more than 30 fake amendments / Unconnected to reality / a rash of viral made-up stories on Facebook / an unusual cluster of pages / faker / Who cares if they are true or false?

    3.                       Who is this article about? Who is he?

    This article is about Christopher Blair: he is British and he is a creator of fake news / he publishes fake news.

    4.                       What tool does he use?

    He only has a computer with an internet access. He has his own blog. He writes fake stories and publishes them. Then he waits for people to react.

    5.                       What type of stories does he invent / make up?

    He invents / makes up stories about everything: politicians, a popular topic (gun control, police brutality, feminism), a controversial incident, a crime, a new law, an amendment, the US constitution.

    6.                       When did fake news appear?

    They appeared during the 2016 US presidential elections, on Facebook.

    7.                       How do people react to fake news?

    The American people loved it and the British made money from it.

    8.                       What is the conclusion of the article?

    “Who cares if they are true or false?”

    9.                       Do you agree with this statement? (use 150 words)

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  • Monday, January 28th 2019.

    Group 1

    Fake news


    Fake news are fake information.

    It’s false news. (bad) / not true / not correct / incorrect / phony.

    It can come from the written press, the internet, social networks.

    It’s made to buzz: it’s made to make people believe things and change the truth.

    Some people want to be famous with fake news. They also do it for money or for fun…

    It can be linked to politics, like for example Donald Trump’s campaign. For Donald Trump, CNN is fake news because in fact they tell the truth.


    How to detect them?

    You need to check with different sources.

    Check the internet sites: their check the e-mail address, check the URL.

    If it’s a website, look at the certificates.

    You need facts, pictures, videos to prove things but you need to make sure they are not made up.

    You need to cross-check, double-check. For example, you need to check if photos are genuine.









    Monday, January 28th 2019.

    Group 2

    Fake news


    It’s a wrong information. It’s false / not correct / incorrect / phony.

    It’s an important news based on arranged / made up / modified reality.

    They appear on the internet and they are spread through the press, social networks with the help of users. People tweet a fake news, it’s tweeted again and so on…

    People create fake news to earn money or to be famous. Sometimes to have fun with gullible people…

    Fake news are usually about politics, economy, celebrities and also politicians.

    Donald Trump invented the term “fake news” to talk about CNN.


    How to detect them?

    You need to check the source: is it a famous media? Is it written by a journalist?

    You need to double-check if it comes from the official website, looking at the link, at the URL.

    You need to watch the videos and look at the picture to see if they are genuine.

    You need to cross-check information.






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  • 1-    Power is the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way.

    2-    It is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events.

    3-    It is a political or social authority or control, especially exercised by a government.

    4-    Power is the international military strength of a state.

    5-    A power can also be a person or an organization that is strong or influential in a certain context.

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